
Film: Treasure is Where you Find It- DVD

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A 60 minute documentary film by Academy Award Winning director Chris Pelzer. This is extraordinary film condenses 30 plus hours of actual footage shot in Katmandu, Nepal in 2003. This is a true “Indian Jones” like tale that examines the hunt to save the forgotten arsenal of the Royal Nepalese Gurkha Army. The cache was stored in an ancient palace called Lagan Silekhana since 1839. This film takes you inside the 30 year quest to save more than 50,000 antique firearms. The material includes over 150 Napoleonic Era Bronze cannons, P-1796 Brown Bess Muskets, P-1871 Martini-Henry Rifles, countless edged weapons, and so much more. This film is a must for Collectors of any sort, after all it appeals to the treasure hunter in us all! (The film format is NTSE, meaning European DVD players must have NTSE technology, but it will play perfectly on all North American DVD players and computers)

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