
German Knife and Sword Makers by J. Anthony Carter – Makers A to Z the Complete Fully Revised Edition


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The definitive directory of makers and marks from 1850 to 1945 by J. Anthony Carter, with John Walter and Henning Ritter. Hardback, hardcover laminated “wipe clean” printed case; 10 x 7.5in, 656 pages, 2300 illustrations. ISBN 978-0-9960731-0-3.

This is the true German Knife Collector’s Bible! Anthony Carter’s “The Sword and Knife Makers of Germany 1850-2000”. The first volume was published in 2001, and in the following year, the British author, Anthony Carter, died before he was able to finish the second volume. Carter was also the owner of the publishing house, so the whole project was in danger of never being finished. Thankfully, due to the foresight and dedication of Christian Cranmer, who’s son Alexander was Anthony Carter’s godson, this project is finally complete.

We have assembled with the tremendous help and contributions of both John Walter and Henning Ritter the complete set which includes the previous Volume One- Makers A through L (now greatly expanded) and the finished Volume Two- makers M through Z all in one massive 656 text with over 2300 illustrations.

Exclusively printed by The Tharston Press, an imprint of International Military Antiques, Inc.

This book is mandatory for any German edged weapons collector.

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