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German WWI Gewher 98 Sawback Machine Gunner Bayonet and Scabbard

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New Made Item: Often referred to as the “machine gunner” bayonet this is a reproduction of the Mauser long GEWHER 98 Rifle Sawback bayonet principally issued to machine gun crews and pioneers. These have an overall length of 19 1/2 inches, with a 14 inch sawback blade. Hideous though as a wound from one of these might have been they were intended for use in cutting wood for gun emplacements.

The Sawback bayonet, first developed by the British in the 19th Century, caused much animosity towards the Germans in WWI with Allied visions of horrendous civilian slaughter of women and children. Stories circulate that German prisoners were executed for just carrying Sawback bayonets, and it is certainly true that the bayonets can be found today with the Sawbacks removed, perhaps by nervous German soldiers!

This reproduction is complete with corrected grooved wood grip panels and duplicated German WWI maker’s markings, Metal work in heavy blue/black finish and comes complete with a steel mounted leather scabbard. Due to manufacturing variations, fitting may be required.

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