
German WWI Imperial Army Detachment Gaede Steel Helmet

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New Made Item: Copied from an original in the IMA collection. An exact reproduction comprised of steel with a totally accurate genuine leather liner and chinstrap.

This WWI German steel helmet was developed by the Army Detachment Gaede, named for its commander General Hans Gaede, in 1915. It is thought to be the first steel helmet developed by German forces in World War I (1914-1918). The uniquely shaped helmet features a heavy steel plate, with a thickness between 5 to 7 millimeters and a weight around 4.5 pounds, attached by a set of four rivets to a leather lined cap

The steel plate covers most of the wearer’s forehead and extends over the nose. On either side of the plate are two slots used to attach a leather chinstrap. On the interior of the leather cap is an eight-tongue leather liner that tightened in the middle by string. The back of the helmet is cut to allow the wearer to adjust the size by a leather strap with buckle. Visibly, the helmet provided no rear protection.

History of the Army Detachment Gaede and the “Gaede” Helmet-

The Imperial German Army Group Gaede was formed on September 19, 1914, from portions of the German 7th Army. Five days later it was re-designated the Army Detachment Gaede (later designated German General Hans Gaede).

Its first commanding officer, General Hans Gaede (1852-1916), began the war…

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