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German WWII Military Wool Uniform Cuff Title- Infantry Regiment Großdeutschland

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New Made Item: Made of wool, this is a heavily embroidered cuff designed to be worn on the cuff or end of German WW2 issue uniform sleeve to denote regiment.

The Infantry Regiment Großdeutschland (German: Infanterie-Regiment “Großdeutschland”; “Greater Germany” Infantry Regiment) was an élite German Army ceremonial and combat unit which saw action during World War II. Originally formed in 1921 it was known as the Wachregiment Berlin. Renamed Infanterie-Regiment Großdeutschland in 1939 the regiment served in the campaigns in France and the Low Countries. It then served exclusively on the Eastern Front until the end of the war. It was destroyed near Pillau in May 1945.

Großdeutschland is sometimes mistakenly perceived to be part of the Waffen-SS, whereas it was actually a unit of the regular German Army (Heer). In 1942 it was expanded into the Großdeutschland Division, the best-equipped division in the Wehrmacht, which received equipment before all other units, including some Waffen-SS units; however it remained a regiment within the division and was renamed to Grenadier-Regiment Großdeutschland. It received its final name, Panzergrenadier-Regiment Großdeutschland, in 1943.

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