
German WWII Reproduction M35 Afrika Korps Helmet with Hand Painted Palm

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New Made Item: These are so authentic people will think they are genuine WW2. No two are the same! Simply put this is the very best reproduction M1935 helmet available anywhere. It is an IMA exclusive and has been in development for over a year. It was copied exactly from an original in the IMA collection. But let us explain precisely why it is the very best:

Every helmet has been hand painted and aged, so none will be the same. We have also aged and darkened the leather liner to give it a one-of-a-kind personalization as if it was picked up after a battle put away in a safe place and rediscovered 70 years later.

-The palm and swas was the unofficial/official symbol of the Afrika Korp. Members of the DAK were known to hand paint the symbol on their helmets. There was never a decal for this, it was always hand painted.

– The legendary Afrikakorp led by the Desert Fox Erwin Rommel was perhaps the most well-known Armygruppe in WWII

– The accomplishments far outweighed the number of men and Units actually deployed .

– The winning spirit and morale rivaled among the troops even the most cohesive SS units

– Perhaps the most coveted helmet of WWII is the Afrikakorp with the hand painted Palm and Swas

– In 1942 the official Heer decal was ordered by Command to be painted over because it stood out visually from the Camo…

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