
German WWII TENO Subordinate Hewer Dagger and Frog

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New Made Item: Developed from an original sample this is an exclusive, not the cheap versions out of China. Instead these are high quality steel and hardwood construction reproduction made exclusively for IMA by one the worlds best edged weapon makers (a contractor to the USMC).

Technical Emergency Corps – (Technische Nothilfe) TENO or TN- The Technical Emergency Corps (TENO) was formed on September 30, 1919, technical volunteers who were called to duty in the event of a public disaster. The Corps provided essential services during emergencies with its personnel being highly trained in fire fighting, decontamination.

This Subordinate Hewer was issued to members of the TN. The hewer could only be purchased through official TN channels and was officially adopted in 1938.

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