Original Item: One of a Kind. This is a very interesting and attractive Brass Barreled Flintlock Blunderbuss, made by famed London Gunsmith Durs Egg, right at the end of the 18th Century. The brass fittings are high quality and highly engraved, with the trigger guard terminating in a lovely “acorn” design. It appears to have had a long history having been British military issue at one point, before entering private service as a coaching gun, complete with a spring action folding bayonet.
Original British Brass Barrel Coaching Flintlock Blunderbuss by Durs Egg with Folding Bayonet c.1780-1800
Credit Card / Debit Card | Original Price : $6,995.00 | Sales Price: $6,995.00 | Discount : $0.00 |
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