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Original British P-1864 Snider type Breech Loading Infantry Rifle with Bayonet- Untouched Condition

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Original Item: Jacob Snider, an American from New York, developed this breech loading system for the P-1853 Enfield, the most prolific imported Percussion rifle in use by both the North and South during the U.S. Civil War. When the British Board of Ordnance appointed a Select Committee in 1864 the Snider system was swiftly adopted with the first breech loaders being issued in 1865 to British forces. Improved in 1867 by the use of Colonel Boxer’s center fire brass bodied cartridge, the rifle was used very effectively in the Abyssinian Campaign of 1868. The system utilized a hinged breech block with an internal firing pin assembly that permitted the use of a self contained cartridge of lead bullet in cardboard, and, after 1867, brass casing. This highly efficient conversion system prolonged the active life of the P-1853 rifles up until 1871 when the Martini System was adopted. Snider rifles saw continued use throughout the Empire but were officially obsolete by the late 1880s.

These weapons are from our 2003 acquisition of the Nepal Royal Arsenal. Exact date and origin of manufacture are unknown. We suspect they were manufactured in Nepal under British War Department supervision. Although it is possible that some were unmarked British manufacture which the Nepalese then made their own.

These 140+ year-old Rifles and Socket Bayonets are TOTALLY untouched…

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