
Original German WWII Heer NCO Artillery Waffenrock

Credit Card / Debit CardOriginal Price : $895.00Sales Price: $895.00Discount : $0.00


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Original Item: Only One Available. This is a beautiful Heer Enlisted Artillery Waffenrock. The base material of the uniform is made of a fine feldgrau colored wool. The wool shows no signs of any physical damage by misuse or mothing. The collar is wrapped in a dark-green wool, and is decorated with insignia. The base material of the two litzen on each side of the collar opening are red, which designates Artillery. The two litzen themselves are woven from a fine silver flatware thread. The collar, and its insignia, are without any noticeable damage or mothing. The “sew-in” style shoulder boards of this Waffenrock have a dark green base wool, which is piped in red. “61” is neatly chain-stitched on the shoulder boards. This is the regiment number the soldier was attached to. The buttons holding the top portion of the boards to the Artillery Waffenrock are silvered and feature the number “4”, indicating this soldier belonged to 4 Company of Artillery Regiment 61. The front breast eagle is an earlier moss-green colored First Pattern executed in silver wire. The eagle is without damage and is originally sewn to the tunics breast by very neat hand stitching. Eight silvered buttons adorn the front of the tunic and all appear to be originally attached.

The lower french style cuffs of the sleeves have a dark-green based wool,…
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