Original Item: Very Few Available. These are fantastic totally genuine High Explosive “Bouncing” fragmentation mortar rounds, officially known as the Wurf-granate-39 (Throwing Grenade 39 – Wgr. 39), which replaced the similar Wgr.38 developed the year before. These were both fired by the German 8cm Gr.W.34, and were streamlined high explosive anti-personnel fragmentation round. Both types had a finned tail unit which carries the out-shooting cartridge.
The Wgr.39 specifically had 400 g of explosives packed inside, and utilized a tiny rocket motor to “bounce” itself off of the ground of a target area by ejecting the nose cap, which is only friction fit. It would then explode in mid-air, spewing the dangerous fragmentation payload about the surrounding area. Unfortunately the “bouncing” or “jumping” types of these grenades proved too expensive to produce, and they were discontinued. This makes this an excellent opportunity to pick up a very rare German WWII mortar round!
8cm Gr.W.34 rounds were all fitted with a quick-acting and very sensitive nose fuse with booster made of alloy. Fuse arms itself by inertia forces once mortar shell left muzzle of the barrel. Until then it is safe. Mortar shell’s body was made of mild steel with bursting charge of T.N.T. inside, thick walls, screw-threaded…
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