Original Items: Only One Set Available. The first piece of this set is a very nice 1942 dated original US Army issue OD Green canvas 10-Pocket ammunition belt for use with both Springfield and Garand Rifles. Officially designated the “Belt, Cartridge, Cal .30, Dismounted, M-1923”, it was originally adopted when stocks of the M-1910 belt were exhausted after World War I. The belt was designed as part of the infantryman’s load carrying system, anchoring the M-1910 haversack and later the M-1928 infantry pack. It has ten pockets for clips of .30-caliber ammunition for the M1903 Springfield, M-1917 Enfield, and later M1 Garand rifle. The M1903 and M1917 rifles using 5 round stripper clips (two per pocket, total of 100 rounds) while the M1 Garand used a single eight shot clip per pocket (total 80 rounds).
Original U.S. WWII Field Gear Set: M1923 Garand Belt & M1937 B.A.R. Magazine Belt – Both dated 1942
Credit Card / Debit Card | Original Price : $250.00 | Sales Price: $250.00 | Discount : $0.00 |
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