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Original Vintage Antique Gun Stock Hardwood Section

Credit Card / Debit CardOriginal Price : $24.95Sales Price: $24.95Discount : $0.00


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Availability: In Stock

Original Item: Due to numerous requests from customers who have purchased one of our many untouched guns; we have discovered some scrap gun stock hardwood to assist you in repairing those hundred plus year old antique guns. You can expect to receive one section which will be an unknown species of Nepalese hardwood (very similar species to walnut), it will be over 100 years old, and will be at least 8″ x 1.5″ in size.

These are perfect for splicing, patching, grinding into sawdust (wood flour) in order to mix with epoxy (a perfect method for patching worm holes), and general stock repairs. We cannot honor requests for specific locations of stock sections as most will come from butt stocks.

Note: One wood section per order (we photographed multiple wood sections to demonstrate the variety of shapes and colors).

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