
Treasure is Where You Find It… The Thirty-Year Quest to Save the Royal Armoury of Nepal Hardcover Book


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Treasure Is Where You Find It, The 30 year quest to save the guns of the Royal Nepalese Armory, by Christian Cranmer. This is a full color narrative of the hunt to save the forgotten arsenal of the Royal Nepalese Gurkha Army. Masses of guns stored in an ancient palace named Lagan Silekhana since 1839, this book documents a 35 year quest completed in 2004 that rescued more than 50,000 antique firearms from certain destruction. The cache also included over 150 cannon, most bronze, and countless edged weapons all now available for purchase on the collector’s market. More than 100 color photographs of the weapons as found and packed over a five month period. A must for the treasure hunter in all of us. 96 pages in full color, 7 1/2″ x 11 1/2″ Laminated Hardback wipe-clean cover.

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